The White Wedding® Panicle Hydrangea is a new and greatly-improved form of the traditional PG Hydrangea, and perfect for smaller gardens in cold areas. It has very large rounded heads of white flowers, not long and tapering like other panicle hydrangeas. The stems are very strong and upright, so the heads never flop, and always look great. Its moderate size, to just 6 feet tall and wide, makes it perfect in small gardens or smaller spaces, and it grows just as well in warmer states, where it will bloom in early summer. It is much easier to grow that mophead hydrangeas, and it grows well in sun or shade. Perfect as a specimen in a small space, or planted in groups to fill larger ones, it also makes an effective and interesting informal barrier or lower screen. Very large, almost spherical white blooms in summer and fall Very hardy variety, to zone 3 Perfect small form of the PG Hydrangea Easy to grow in sun or partial shade Thrives in all kinds of soil The White Wedding® Panicle Hydrangea is a top-choice plant for even the coldest zones, but it also thrives in heat too, and it is perfect for southern and western gardens. Grow it in full sun in cooler areas, and in partial shade in warmer ones. It grows in any well-drained soil, of any pH, and it is normally never bothered by pests or diseases. It has all the good points of the old ‘PG’ variety, but none of the bad ones, with flower heads that never flop. Easy to grow and trouble free, this beautiful shrub is winning hearts everywhere.