Materials Needed for a Tin Can Stove
• One Large Tin Can – This can be a #10 can (3 lb size) like the ones used for bulk canned tomatoes or pizza sauce. I used a square 3 lb olive oil can. The main idea with a tin can stove is to use the cans you already have on hand.
• Tin snips for cutting a door on your stove, and for cutting air holes.
• A manual can opener to remove the top and bottom from the can.
• An awl and hammer for creating air holes.
• Lumber – You’ll need a length of 2 by 6 lumber about 6 inches longer than your square can. You’ll also need two short lengths of 4 by 4 lumber. You’ll use the wood to provide support when hammering air holes, shaping the can, or exerting any kind of force on the tin. Specific lumber sizes are not actually needed. Firewood or smal